Serial killers photo collection
Serial killers photo collection

serial killers photo collection

That was a little scary, and of course I never wrote to him again. He then went on to threaten me, saying he wish he could meet me in person so he could force an ice pick into my ear-just like he had done to his victims.

serial killers photo collection serial killers photo collection

On the back of the artwork was a threatening letter, complaining, once again, and asking why I would write to him and ask him questions if I found him boring. So within a week or so, I received a rather nice copy of a charcoal drawing from Norris. I mentioned this to someone in passing, and a groupie of Norris’s actually told him what I had said. I felt that all he did was complain about anything and everything, even down to the way I folded my letters. When I first began writing to killers, I was corresponding often with Roy Norris, but I found him a little less stimulating than other killers. I never forget that they are brutal cold-blooded killers. I never forget what they have done, I never forget the lives that they have destroyed. I take my research and my correspondence and interviews seriously. This is not a game, this is not something I do lightly. There are times that I’ve walked away from it all, there have been details that have made me physically sick, and other times I’ve just shut it all down.

serial killers photo collection

They see it as a bit of fun I see it as just another part of their psychological torture, their attempt to gain control of another human being.

Serial killers photo collection serial#

I started corresponding with serial killers in my very early twenties, and it has taken me to some very dark places. I received Christmas cards and birthday gifts, as they wanted to keep me interested in them. I always deflected questions, or refused to share information about myself, but they kept trying, attempting to lure me in. They want to try and gain your trust, like the spider lures the fly-then they pounce. They get into the car with the friend-looking guy, like Ted Bundy, or Fred and Rose West-a “lovely” middle-aged couple in England who brutally tortured and murdered 20 girls. Think about it-would a hitchhiker get into a car with someone who was “scary” ? No. We think that we could “pick them out of a crowd,” but in all honesty they are just like the rest of us. People expect serial killers, or any type of violent criminal, to be some sort of drooling madman. It’s all part of the game they like to play. Letter from Richard Ramirez, signed “Take it E-Z, Your Friend Richard.” Some would talk about the “what if’s” of their crimes others were just so desperately lonely that they were happy to have that stimulation of conversation. The letters I received from Richard Ramirez were vile, profanity-filled requests for photos of “naked chix,” but all in all, many were happy to chat about everyday topics. They like to talk about people in their lives and often reminisce about their time before incarceration. Of course many of them are extremely savvy when it comes to legal proceedings and constitutional law, but they also love to talk about topics such as ancient Egyptian mythology, politics, holiday spots, food, and ongoing criminal cases (besides their own). It can be quite surprising what they are able to talk about and discuss. Asking them questions about their lives and their interests often opens up a dialogue that gives insight into who they are and why they became such heinous criminals. This is even more so the case with serial killers. We live in a world of narcissism everybody really likes talking about themselves.

Serial killers photo collection